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The Story of the Gospel I Part 3 — Redemption

The Story of the Gospel I Part 3 — Redemption


The Story of the Gospel I Part 3 — Redemption

Where do we find hope? In Genesis 3:15, God promises that a son—the “seed” of the woman—will one day defeat the serpent and reverse what Adam did. Although humans merit death for their sin (Rom. 6:23), death will not have the last word. In truth, the rest of the Bible, with all of its stories and details—the people, the sacrificial system, its saving events—tells us how this will happen by slowly unfolding this “good news” promise, which ultimately leads us to Christ (Stephen Wellum).

Easter service at CBC, Navi Mumbai included four talks. This is the third of four talks; the topic covered in this video is “Redemption.”